For a long time I wanted to calibrate the Hameg 8021-2 to my external 10MHz GPSDO. But, unfortunately, the crystal oven is not very stable. My thought was, why calibrate if you can use the back BNC connector to feed the external 10MHz signal from the GPSDO? So, this was an easy task. Find the internal 10MHz, disconnect it, connect to rear via 1nF capacitor. Done ;)
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Linux shell commands
Here are some useful Linux CLI commands, I will do more good examples in the future. For Germans: #maleben
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The Panasonic RF-P50 is a small portable/pocket AM/FM radio, with telescopic antenna and a bar antenna inside. It has somehow good sensitivity and selectivity on AM, also tuning is very precise and smooth. Beware: there is RF-P50D (with D at the end) version of the radio, but it’s the DSP version of it. Does not tune smoothly, and the RX is not as good as it can be in analog mode.
Continue reading “Panasonic RF-P50 Page”King Size MTU 9000
Ethernet has become the backbone of nearly all modern networks, whether at home, in the office, or in large-scale data centers, where speeds range from 1G to as high as 100G or even 400G. However, there’s one often-overlooked aspect where you can truly optimize your network: the MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit).
Continue reading “King Size MTU 9000”BGP Optimization Tools
Tools for automatic BGP optimization:
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